Accounting and Auditing of Taxes Courses by ICA in Chennai. These courses helps to start your own accounting and auditing business. ICA tax business course, tax business from home, start tax business home, open tax business, tax business partnership, becoming a tax consultant, my tax consultant, find a tax practitioner, become a tax practitioner, am i a tax practitioner, e filing tax practitioners, tax practitioner office, best accountants near me, best tax accountants, accounting firms, gst training course in Chennai.
Get control of your life back. Work full-time or part-time Earn more, enjoy freedom and flexibility. Being self-employed is challenging, but it can also be very rewarding. In todays economy, self-employed people often have the greatest job security. The reward of entrepreneurship is independence, financial freedom and more. Imagine creating your own secure source of income with unlimited potential! You can establish a great new home-based business that can be part-time or full-time and even grow into a bricks and mortar business. The choice is yours, and always will be when you are a business owner.
✯ Earn 1000/hour or more as an experienced pro
✯ Reduce your own tax liability
✯ Your skills will make you more marketable
✯ Work 3 months of the year and make a great income
✯ Have your summers and holidays free
✯ Be more secure you control your own destiny
✯ Start at home with minimal expenses
✯ Minimal start-up costs
✯ Get your tax business started quickly
✯ No franchise fees or royalties
✯ No accounting background or degree required
✯ We teach you everything you need to know and do it faster than you think!
✯ No need to reinvent the wheel we offer tax manuals on policies and procedures, tax preparation marketing, personnel and expansion
✯ Thousands of Indians pay a tax professional to prepare and file their tax return every year and Government continues to make more changes to the tax act rules. These changes make taxpayers even more confused and frustrated and they are seeking out the help of Tax Professionals more than ever.
✯ As the number of taxpayers continues to grow, so does the need for qualified Tax Professionals. And now, with the recent changes to the Indian. economy, its more important than ever for taxpayers to claim all of the credits and deductions due to them and pay no more than the exact amount of taxes they owe. Starting your own tax business will enable you to meet this growing demand and also give you the flexibility and security you deserve.
1. AVOID costly start up fees
2. AVOID royalty payments
3. AVOID issues with financing assistance
4. AVOID geographic restrictions
5. AVOID issues with franchisor legal recourse should something go wrong
6. CREATIVE CONTROL you get to do things your way
7. NO contract requirements do you know what youll be doing years from now?
8. NO problems with insufficient support from the franchisor
9. REASONABLE COSTS for supplies no franchisor mark-ups
10. FREEDOM for non-compete provisions should you want out of the franchise
11. AVOID advertising fees that may not help your franchise
12. AVOID losing your business due to unreasonable termination of your franchise
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Stay-at-home parents and early retirees find this to be a wonderful complement to their lives. It enables you to still have your holidays and summers free to be with the kids or grandkids, it allows you to travel, etc
Retired military people looking for a second career can establish a business that allows them to work for as many years as they want. Financial services professionals can add tax preparation expertise to their available services, offering more value to their clients. Tax business course, tax business from home, start tax business home