ICA offer accounting and taxation course in Chennai, taxation course Training Institutes in Chennai, diploma in taxation courses in Chennai, accounting diploma courses in Chennai, tax courses, tax consultant training in Chennai, tax advisor course in Chennai, tax courses, tax filing courses, tax training courses in Chennai, Certified Income Tax Advisor, income tax advisor, Tax Advisor, tax courses in India, gst return filing due date, gst return in india.ICA provides accounts and taxation courses, tax advisor courses, income tax advisor course and various tax training courses in Chennai.
Certified Income Tax Advisor (CITA) certificate program will enable you to learn to prepare most individual ITR 1, 2 3 & ITR 4S tax returns, including more complex situations. No prior tax or accounting knowledge is required and minimal computer skills. Students should have a high school or the equivalent, the ability to comprehend the income tax regulations and good people skills to interact effectively with taxpayers. e filing tax return course, e-filing your form training, e filing your taxes training, e-filing your income tax return training, e-filing your tax return training , e filing your own taxes training, e-filing 0f income tax training
📖 Electronic Filing
📖 ITR 1, ITR 2, ITR 3, ITR 4S & ITR 4
📖 Filing Requirements
📖Filing Status
📖Tax Credit
📖Interest & Dividends
📖Other Income
📖Adjustments to Income
📖Itemized Deductions
📖Business Expenses
📖Sale of Property
📖Self-Employed Business
📖Rental Property
📖Capital Gains & Losses
📖Tax Saving Ideas
📖Tax Law Updates
📖 Business Start-Up
📖 Heads of income
📖 Computation
📖 Depreciation
📖 ITR 4 & ITR 4S
📖 Business Expense
📖 Self-Employment Tax
📖 Statutory Employees
📖 Capital Gains/Losses
📖 Sale of Stock
📖 Rental Properties
📖 Sale of Business Property
📖 Estimated Taxes