ICA was started in 2004 by SSI Development Society and supported by M.K. Audit Services Pvt. Ltd., to create trained manpower for theneeds of industry in the fields of Accounts & Finance. We are theonly registered Income Tax Practitioner in India to provide studentswith a comprehensive certified professional tax training program,offering high quality training to equip its clients with the skillsneeded to successfully secure a professional tax consultant job inIndia or work with our affiliated firm in India. We will provide youadequate training and the skill sets required, so that you are fluentwith the tax industry of India or you can be an entrepreneur. We willbe providing necessary accounts and tax training of the Indian Tax andlegal system that governs the Indian Tax system to our candidates tobe a Certified Tax Professional. ICA institute offers GST CourseAccounts & Finance, Income Tax Practitioner, tax training, taxconsultant, accounts and tax training, tax accountants,GST institutein Chennai, gst centre Chennai..
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To pioneer certified tax professionals with the unique expertisedesired by the Indian Companies.To provide high-quality education & training in accounting, fostering a community of professionals who are committed to excellence, integrity, & lifelong learning. We aim to equip our students with the knowledge, skills, & expertise necessary to succeed in the accounting profession, while promoting practices & contributing to the society.
Our customers first most and foremost. Flexibility in meeting customers' needs. Effective communication.To be a premier institution for accounting education, recognized for our excellence in teaching, research, and community engagement. We envision a future where our graduates are leaders in the accounting profession, driving innovation, and making a positive impact on the economy and society as a whole.
Our aim is to provide practical accounts & tax training that will beof immediate use to the students in their workplace rather thanapplying the theoretical knowledge sometimes in the future. ICAinstitute offers Accounts & Finance, Income Tax Practitioner, taxtraining, tax consultant, accounts & tax training, institute company accountants, tax professionals, practical accountsand tax training, ICA government recognised, accounting professionals.
✯ Providing training and development opportunities
✯ Assessing and ensuring professional conduct of a high quality
✯ Offering flexible solutions to training needs
✯ Promoting life-long competence.
ICA is recognized by the government. This Institute is also affiliatedwith leading industries, professional firms, professional bodies andincluding Govt. and M.K. Audit Services Pvt. Ltd., The Certificateissued by this institute will be accepted by all Government andPrivate industries for employment.
Income Tax Certificate courses are an increasingly popular choice foraccounting professionals looking to improve their career prospects bybuilding on their existing skills and professional ability.
Income Tax Practitioner, tax training, tax consultant, accounts andtax training, Mk audit, institute company accountants taxprofessionals, practical accounts and tax training, ICA governmentrecognised, Income Tax Certificate courses, accountingprofessionals.
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